Wednesday, January 3, 2018

By: Mary Godwin
There’s a bird in a cage.
Won’t you free it?
There’s a songbird in a cage.
Don’t you hear it?
It sings of a sweet release.

There’s a bird in a cage.
Won’t you help it?
The bird is all alone.
It sings of freedom.
Can’t you free it?

There’s a bird in a cage.
It longs for freedom.
It sings for friends.
It’s the only songbird.

Won’t you sing with it?

By: Mary Godwin
I used to know him
I used to know his voice
Now I look back
All I see is a vague face
No laughter, only the still picture.

People tell me about him
Only once in a blue moon
His passing is too fresh
The memories are still painful
Even if I don’t remember him well

Eleven years ago today
On the Eighth of December
He died in the hospital
When I learned of this I cried
I never got to say goodbye

I remember very little about him
I was so little when he passed
It’s been so long since I’ve seen him
But I do remember some things
He liked to drink tomato juice with salt in it.

Today we honor his memory
Today we look back and think of him
We think of the man he was
We celebrate the life he had
To us, he’ll always be our #1 Grandpa.

The Man and His Hill
By: Mary Godwin
There was a man who lived on the hill
And everyone knew him well
They knew him up until
He fell

The man suffered a terrible fall
Off of his roof and down the hill
Trying to reach a child’s doll
His screams were short and shrill

Nobody knew what happened to him
Not until the morning after
That morning was grim
And nobody knew him thereafter

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