Monday, November 15, 2010

Every Man, A Holy Man by Lucas Olson

Every Man, a Holy Man

Every man, a holy man

and every book, a bible.

For no man thinks himself as evil

or as the other, liable.

Every soul, a perfect one

and every spirit wholesome.

For purity, a subjective thing,

though subjectivity, loathsome

For is any man as pure,

in the eye of the beholder,

as when the eye's his own,

his thoughts his own to shoulder.

Evil isn't personal,

its a matter of the world.

Though however right they are

internally, its pearled.

Every man is doing good

but some may do it wrong.

Even if intentions pure,

it may be sad, the song.

For, Every man is a holy man,

no one man can do ill.

By his own rights he is perfect

but his ego, he can't fulfill.

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