by Rose Pleuler
The Elicitor is the literary magazine of Gloucester (MA) High School. Enjoy new work selected by the 2016-2017 editors Julia Johnson and Jillian Oliveira. The Elicitor online is updated every two weeks. Thank you to the Gloucester Education Foundation for financial support.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Collapse. by Rose Pleuler
by Rose Pleuler
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Imbedded by Lucy Morgan
by Lucy Morgan
Ruth has been waking up in the same bed on top of the same sheets for decades and she's been heart broken for almost as long, but on this Thursday morning she still startles awake with the expectation that a man will be asleep in the space next to her, and of course she is disappointed, so she walks quickly out of her bedroom to the immediate kitchen where the coffee she prepared the night before waits to meet the warmth of her dry throat and sticky morning teeth, swallows, and quickly hurries out the front door to the immediate driveway where her blue pickup truck is parked, forces the ignition to turn, and makes her way down a long dirt road until she reaches the only gas station in Rumney, New Hampshire - the one where she spent most summer nights working as a teenager, the one she inherited from the owner when he died of old age- and after she unlocks the front door she waits a moment before turning on the lights but when she does she finds that the shelves are stocked just as they were the day before, so she plants her feet behind the cash register and waits for it to be 7am, but the first customer turns out to be someone who doesn't feel intimidated by Closed Sign; it turns out to be Bill's son, the Bill who died in his vegetable garden at age forty-eight, and Ruth startles at the sight of his old face on the young boy as he says hi, asks if she remembers him, embraces her, and explains that he's been living about five hours away ever since things went wrong, and that he's leaving for college in the big city tomorrow morning, so he thought it might be good for him to visit Rumney one last time before he goes, and Ruth immediately thinks of her bed sheets and for the first time in her life she knows what is in store for her so she turns the Closed Sign on the door to Open, says goodbye to the boy, and kisses him hard on the mouth.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Introducing: The Elicitor: Volume 22: 2007/2008
Below you will find the pages of the 2007/2008 Elicitor. Click on the images to investigate the texts and to scrutinize the photographs.
Read in the paginated order. Or read randomly. Up to you, really.
Page 1 (cover page; photograph by Bryanna Porter)
Page 2 (staff listing and editorial)
Page 3 (poems by Felicia Lowe and Willie Norris)
Page 4 (poem by Lia Parisi)
Page 5 (photograph by Felicia Lowe)
Page 6 (photograph by Juliann Flaherty)
Page 7 (prose by Emily daSilva; photograph by Jessica Russ)
Page 8 (photographs by Chad Williams, Brianna Aloisio, Felicia DaRosa, Kayla Silva, Jessica Russ, Kathy Kaity, and Sara Pardo)
Page 9 (images by Heather Lopes, Stacia Pinegar, and Jessica Russ)
Page 10 (photographs by Lucy Morgan)
Page 11 (play by Allie Lees)
Page 12 (back cover page; photograph by Liam Anastasia-Murphy)
Be astonished. Be amazed. (But don't be too hard on us for the typos. We are still learning.)
Hard copies of volume 22: 2007/2008 will be available in room 2207 at Gloucester High School starting June 10.